

11:25 PM

Typing on a tablet could be a little frustrating for all of us. Especially, if you are trying to type something that is longer than a comment on Facebook, a tweet, or a short text. I have attempted numerous times to make use of my Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4 to do my thesis back in college, but before I can complete a paragraph, I always encounter mispelled words. Not that I don't know how to spell-out words, but because I keep hitting the wrong keys by accident. Blame it on the fact that the keys on the tablet are too close even on landscape.

Right then, I've wished there is a way I can have a physical keyboard that enables me to do the task. I pretty much do touch typing, which means I can seamlessly type without looking at a keyboard. So that adds on to the challenge whenever I use a touchscreen.

Samsung sells a bluetooth keyboard specifically designed for their Galaxy S Tablets. However, the price seems to be unreasonably high. Despite the fact that it compliment the tablet very much, (actually turns your tablet in to a full-fledge laptop) I still don't think its worth spending money for.

Recently, I was browsing over the net and thought about searching for a nice keyboard and came across the Rapoo Bluetooth E6300 keyboard. It is 25% the price of the Samsung ones, so I was elated to give it a look. My say? Read along.

At first glance, I was impressed by the way the keyboard looks. It's so slim and the aluminum frame makes it look both stylist and sturdy. The keys gives a very nice tactile feedback which makes typing a joy. It also comes with a built-in rechargeable battery that lasts for months! The bluetooth keyboard works up to 10 meters away from the device it is connected to. Compatible with any gadget that has Bluetooth 3.0 like your iPad, tablets and smatphones. Just scan for the device, key-in the code for pairing and you are all set!

It took me quite some time to get my fingers familiar with the spacing of the keys. I thought the spaces where too tight, but after a few days of using it, it already felt like home to my fingers. In fact, I'm using the keyboard to make this review.

My verdict?

To those of you who want to maximize the use of your tablet's (phablet's, or phone's) apps to make notes, reports or any other tasks that requires the comfort of a real keyboard, then this is definitely a must have. Save yourself from the hassle of bringing a bulky laptop just to do basic stuff that your tablet is more than capable of.

You can get your very own Rapoo Bluetooth keyboard at any MSI outlets, Octagon and Silicon Valley here in the Philippines for P1660.

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