
Taking Gifting to the Next Level

6:34 PM

Christmas is for children, but then again everyone is young at heart-so, it's safe to say, christmas is for everyone! Just me, saying my thoughts aloud.

When we talk christmas, we automaticallly know what comes to mind next-gifts! Well, as far as I can tell, I pretty much made sure that I was goody two-shoes hoping Santa would consider a fine present for me.

What is my christmas wishlist? Or, make it for my family, instead.

Now that I am back to working again-after completing my degree, I wanted to make this year's christmas extra special by giving one BIG surprise for the whole family. I was secretly saving money to get them a new LED TV. I'm hoping no one gets to read this and spill the beans (which I doubt after posting this). It's still a long way to go, and I'm working real hard for it. I thought it would make everyone very happy knowing I finally get to buy them something more than the usual... planners, shirts, fancy accessories, and ampao (red money envelope). I'm very excited to see their surprised faces, which would mean more than the actual gift itself. That feeling of them using what you've worth hard for, emanating through something they use all of the time, like a new TV.

If I have cash to spare, I'd probably get myself a nice headphone to fuel the inner audiophile in me. It'll definitely make my daily travel to work even more bearable, considering the traffic jam in every corner of the street. Ehem...that's you, EDSA.

How do I plan to give back to others this Christmas?

I believe giving back to others doesn't have to be grand or material. It could be as simple as greeting  people, "Happy Holidays", giving "pamasko" to those kids singing christmas carols, or simply being good to everyone. It's those simple acts that manifest the essence of the yuletide season.

I'd always wanted to give back in more ways than one. Like probably making an anonymous donation to an NGO or an orphanage. The experience I've had when we did an outreach program back in high school had open my eyes as to how it's like to not have a family to take care of you. It immensely touched my heart, and doing that again would be great.

But for now, what I can do for sure, is to share a "Bear of Joy" to make other kids' Christmas extra special. It's just a simple gesture, but it may mean more to them. Like extending your warm hugs to them, and theirs to yours. A security blanket to be with them when they sleep. A bestfriend that will always have their back no matter what situation they may be facing. Just like the movie, Ted.

A bear to bear life's childhood challenges.

That's how I'm taking gifting to the next level this year. From a coffee shop somewhere in QC, hearing Christmas songs in the background, I'd like to wish everyone, to have the happiest christmas to date!

     “For more updates about this year’s “Merry SM Christmas” campaign, visit SM’s official Christmas microsite (https://www.smsupermalls.com/merrysmchristmas2015) and follow its official social media accounts at Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/smsupermalls), Twitter (https://twitter.com/smsupermalls), and Instagram (https://instagram.com/smsupermalls/); and get an insider access to all the fun happenings at SM Supermalls nationwide through Viber (http://chats.viber.com/SMsupermalls). Shoppers can actively share their holiday merriments inside the SM Supermalls by posting their photos on social media and adding the hashtag #MerrySMChristmas2015.”

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